Education - Beckford TV AM
VHS unknown Unknown Unknown 0:00

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Summary: Labelled 'Education - school closures, Beckford TVAM'.
Title number: 1633
LSA ID: LSA/2149
Description: BBC News snippet of Beckford case with recommendations from internal inquiry in graphics. Fairly poor quality recording of Anne Diamond presenting Good morning Britain with interviews in studio with Gay Probert former foster mother of Jasmine Beckford and Chairman of Brent Social Services Committee, Cllr. Roger Stone . Internal inquiry already carried out with recommendations given in graphics and report external inquiry still to be done following the death of Jasmine Beckford.
Further information: To view this film one week's notice is required. Please contact Brent Archives, Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road, Willesden Green NW10 2SF. Tel: 020 8937 3541. Email:
Keywords: child abuse; Brent social services; Beckford