Whose Town Is It Anyway?: Brent
VHS Colour Sound 1984 19:48

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Summary: Whose Town Is It Anyway?: Brent
Title number: 1631
LSA ID: LSA/2147
Description: Documentary about being Black British and living in Brent. Half the population of the London Borough of Brent is black. Footage of riots. Cllr Sealy talks about the difficulty in negotiating when there are riots going on. Merle Amory says people have to be prepared to put themselves on the line for their beliefs. Leonard Johnson from the Stonebridge Project says attitudes have to change. Interviews with young angry men struggling to survive on benefits and other members of the black community in the wake of the riots. Other themes explored are unemployment and highlights initiatives like the Stonebridge bus project which was an idea brought to the council by the community. The council's failings to see the needs of black people and the lack of funding given to these groups. Merle Amory talks quite extensively about this and her views. Most neglected group Asian women and the Asian Resource Centre was set up in reaction to that. Jayaben Desai interviewed. Also black feminist talk about their role in British society and how they are hoping to affect change for their children.
Further information: To view this film one week's notice is required. Please contact Brent Archives, Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road, Willesden Green NW10 2SF. Tel: 020 8937 3541. Email: archives@brent.gov.uk.
Keywords: Brent; African peoples; Stonebridge; Grunwick; feminism; community work; racial discrimination; Asian communities