Harlesden Primary School Centenary Celebrations 1891-1991
VHS Colour Unknown Unknown 0:00

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Summary: Harlesden Primary School Centenary Celebrations 1891-1991
Title number: 1620
LSA ID: LSA/2136
Description: Amateur video that starts with crude shots of the headmaster's office followed by an an interview with the head teacher announcing activities to commemorate the fact that in 24th Jan 1891 the foundation stone of the school was laid. Plans for a time capsule to be laid in the grounds, a play performed by the pupils, staff and governors, parties for the children in their classes. A lot of general shots of office staff at their desks. Close ups of the children's art and children working in class to music from the musical "Oliver". Children assembled in hall for school photograph with a man in period costume. Lots of pan shots of artwork on walls celebrating the Centenary year.
Further information: To view this film one week's notice is required. Please contact Brent Archives, Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road, Willesden Green NW10 2SF. Tel: 020 8937 3541. Email: Museum.Archives@brent.gov.uk
Keywords: Education; centenaries; Harlesden