Brent An Enigma
VHS unknown Unknown Unknown 0:00

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Summary: Brent An Enigma
Title number: 1610
LSA ID: LSA/2126
Description: Amateur film looking at Buck Lane and the Trobridge houses, Welsh Harp and the British Empire Exhibition. Very poor picture and sound quality. Interior shots of Grange Museum on Neasden roundabout. Shows the 1930's room. The 1909 draper's shop. Followed by then and now shots of St Andrews Churches in Kingsbury, the Spotted Dog, The Crown and The Green Man public houses. Ends rather like a local brewery advertisment trying to entice new patrons.
Credits: filmmaker: Carol Stewart
Further information: To view this film one week's notice is required. Please contact Brent Archives, Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road, Willesden Green NW10 2SF. Tel: 020 8937 3541. Email:
Keywords: Local history; Brent; museums