What is a Safe Way?
16mm film Colour Sound 1986 12:19

Summary: A dramatised road safety film.
Title number: 161
Description: The dramatised story of a boy who died after being hit by a motorcycle is used to communicate to children the best practice when crossing the road. Various safe techniques are introduced from the use of pelican crossings, zebra crossings, pedestrian refuges, and the Green Cross Code process 'stop, look, listen, think'. The film is narrated by a friend of the dead boy recalling the time of their acquaintance, their escapades and the details of his accident.
Credits: Director: Stanley Marks; Producer: Stanley Marks; Based on an original script by: John Kershaw; Lighting cameraman: John Tarby; Engineer/Recordist: Peter Block; On-line editor: Kent Gordon; Production secretary: Edna Marks; Narrator: Gary Kielty; Sponsor: BP; Sponsor: RSONFC (Road Safety Officers' National Films Committee)
Cast: John: Ben Sexton; Mile: Paul Adams; John's Dad: Stacy Davies
Further information: The film is shot in a town, which may be Chelmsford in Essex.
Keywords: Children (age group); Road safety
Locations: United Kingdom; England
Some of the students crossing a road look like they have a Boswell’s uniform on.