Our Community - Get Involved
VHS Colour Sound Unknown 6:01

Summary: A local information film which explains the benefits of the ‘Sure Start’ scheme, a government funded initiative introduced by New Labour. A narrator explains how children in Bexley under the age of four will benefit from the scheme. Children and mothers are shown in the community as are a number of local groups, who explain in detail the benefits of the scheme, and how it will function in the area.
Title number: 1603
LSA ID: LSA/2118
Description: We see the title: ‘North Bexley (Thamesmead East, Erith and Belvedere) Sure Start’, and a children’s drawing of a juggling clown. Images of children and mothers are superimposed on to the clown as the narrator assures us that he will tell us all about ‘Sure Start’, a scheme that will help improve the health and well being of children under the age of four. We see images of council blocks and a graphic reveals photos of locals as we are told that local projects will improve services for young children. Sally Howells, Head of Early Years Development and Childcare informs us that there is a ten million pound budget for this project over the next ten years, and that local families with children under the age of four should come forward with advice on what services they feel need improving. The narrator reiterates this point, and we see a series of images of mothers with toddlers outside the school. Toddlers are seen at play inside the school with playgroup leaders and other children. We see children outside as ideas are suggested for the scheme: a new safe patrolled play area. A teacher reads to children: a speech and language development Officer is suggested as part of the scheme. Rosie Bedi, Asian Community Day Centre, Belvedere, explains how Sure Start helped her as she had very limited childcare facilities. Di Wright, Parent chair of Sure Start Steering Group explains that Sure Start can help provide facilities and support with children’s activities, and that this will give parents a wider variety of activities for their children. Diane Joyce, Chair of Lamer Road Tenants Association thinks it will be beneficial to her organisation including funding for local initiatives. Dominic Cheng, Thamesmead Family Services Unit explains how the scheme will involve parents. We see more images of parents children in playgroups and using outdoor areas, and the narrator explains that it is up to parents to decide how they may benefit most from the scheme. Carole Read explains how her Howbury Tumblers group encourages parent/child interaction. Paulette Hyland, Creative Kids Pre-School explains that funding will help her expand facilities, Kim Ilsley, Childminder says it will be beneficial for a child’s future, Jackie Smith, Trust Thamesmead: services should improve in Bexley over the next ten years as a result of the scheme, Michelle Lingham, Children’s Information Services Officer explains that parents should contact her to find out about services. The narrator explains how to get involved with local services and we see slow motion images of children clapping.
Keywords: Education; Children; community; North Bexley; council production; nursery