London Markets
2 inch video cassette unknown Unknown 1971 0:00

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Summary: Programme: 5. Transmission Date: 22nd February, 1971. Running Time: 20:10
Title number: 15936
LSA ID: LSA/19009
Description: Description: This programme looks at the role and function of money markets. Supported by film footage inside the stock exchange, a description is provided of how stocks and shares are bought and sold, and the different roles played the broker and jober in predicting economic forecasts. Using prints of the Royal Exchange and Mercer's Hall, a brief history of the stock market is provided - with reference made to the 'South Sea Bubble' scandal. In the studio, an expert on the stock exchange, Mr Wilfred Edwards, discusses its value, how it fluctuates, its relationship with the government and how other countries are involved in its success. Other types of markets are discussed including commodity, fur and wool markets. In addition to the stock exchange, different banks, including the Bank of England, are looked at and discussed in relation to the stock exchange. Colour/B&W: Black and White. Key Subjects: Stock Exchange, Lloyd's London, Bank of England, Mercer's Hall
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.