Street Scenes I: My Street, your Street
16mm film Black & White Sound 1975 0:00

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Summary: A series of five films designed to draw children's attention to the local environment, to stimulate the senses, and to encourage them to describe, discuss and consider the things that go on the in the street.
Title number: 15642
LSA ID: LSA/18696
Description: Intended for children aged 6 - 7. Teaching notes are available. Individual film titles and running times are as follows: My street, your street (16mins.); Men at work(13 min.s); Raining cats and dogs (16 mins.); Down the drain (14 mins.); Changes, changes (16 mins.) These films of Street Scenes include: Men at Work: Featuring scenes of Wandsworth corporation workers, street cleaning and maintenance; My Street, Your Street: Featuring scenes of refuse collections and littering.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.