Look Stranger: Where do the Children Play? BBC TV
16mm film Colour Sound 1975 0:00

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Summary: BBC colour film. Made by Video Arts. Producer - Jennifer Jeremy. Look Stranger is a television series shown on the BBC about areas of England seen through the eyes of the local in habitants. Where do the Children play is about the areas that children have
Title number: 15598
LSA ID: LSA/18640
Description: BBC colour film. Made by Video Arts. Producer - Jennifer Jeremy. Look Stranger is a television series shown on the BBC about areas of England seen through the eyes of the local in habitants. Where do the Children play is about the areas that children have
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details. Look Stranger was a Documentary series looking at places and people in Britain. BBC Television from 1970 - 1976