Traffic Island
16mm film Black & White Sound 1963 15:00

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Summary: Traffic Island 2nd Edition - Copy No3. A film about the congestion on Britain's roads: the variety of vehicles that clutter the roads; the social costs of congestion; and a warning that the coming years will see total chaos unless there is radical plan
Title number: 15568
LSA ID: LSA/18610
Description: This film shows scenes of the types of vehicles on the roads of Britian and how they are used - all culminating in a large increase in traffic and problems caused by a build up of traffic. Piccadilly circus is shown and the trouble pedestrians have in crossing a busy road. There is a sequence in traffic with horns and fast cuts between cars. 'The motor vehicle has become an indispensable part of modern life and there is no going back' - the film states and ends in the statement that 'we control the motor or the motor controls us'. The film was made by Peaen Films and directed by Philip S. H. Mottram for the Town Planning Department.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details. This film was produced to illustrate the report Traffic in Towns, written in 1963 by Colin Buchanan, and a team of architects, planners and engineers seconded into the Ministry of Tr