Fire Brigade Recruitment Film footage
film unknown Unknown 1970s 0:00

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Summary: These are all promotional advertising and recruitment adverts for television and cinema made by various agencies for the GLC and the London Fire Brigade in the 1970s as part of a recruitment drive.
Title number: 15549
LSA ID: LSA/18591
Description: No 1 - London Fire Brigade - Recruitment Television Advert - Stairs (35mm Neg); No 2 - Stuart Advertising Agency Ltd - 45secs - Fire Prevention - 265h Nov 1973 - 16mm; No 3 - Stuart Advertising Agency Ltd - 15secs - Accident Scene - 7th July 1974 (LFB6); No 4 - Humphreys Commercials - 15secs - 35mm; No 5 - London Fire Brigade - Television Advert - Filling (35mm Neg); No 6 - Stuart Advertising Agency Ltd - 7secs - 35mm (LFB4); No 7 - London Fire Brigade - Television Advert - Kids (35mm Neg); No 8 - Stuart Advertising Agency Ltd - GLC London Fire Brigade - Fire Scene - Television Advert for London Weekend and Thames Television - 35mm Neg; No 9 - London Fire Brigade - Television Advert - Draughts (35mm Neg); No 10 - Fire Brigade - 7 pieces film - 35mm Neg - Stairs, Kids, Heaters, Draughts; No 11 - This film reel consists of lots of film clips joined together onto one reel of film. There are no titles and the clips consist of short items concerning the London Fire Brigade. They were joined together by sellotape - now rejoined with film tape. There are several countdown sections with short following film items and at the end there is a reference to one of the Fire Brigade publicity/informational Films - Put the Lid on it! 16mm colour sound film - film clips on one reel
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.