The West London Film
video cassette unknown Unknown 1985 30:00

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Summary: Produced by Parallax Pictures for the Industry and Employment branch of the Greater London Council. Produced and directed by J.R. Davies.
Title number: 15454
LSA ID: LSA/18491
Description: Written on the sleeve for the video: While most of Britain suffered in the midst of the thirties depression, investment and jobs flooded into West London. Major multi-national companies took advantage of the new markets that could be tapped from factories located in the area. Over the last twenty years they have rapidly left. West London now no longer offers the same advantages to companies who have often moved production overseas and cut jobs in the UK. For the local workforce striking back at the multi-nationals is difficult and frustrating. The West London Film, directed and produced by Jon Davies, looks at the reasons why redundancies are now hitting West London at a faster rate than London's inner city, and at what the GLC and the GLEB are doing to create an alternative economic strategy for jobs in West London. Documentary includes archive footage of London, showing the growth of the Western region and its industrialisation, followed by the demise in industry and growing unemployment.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.