Stanmore Centenary Pageant - A History of Stanmore - Reel2
16mm film Colour;Black & White Silent 1950 0:00

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Summary: This is an amatuer film made by Stanmore citizens to commemorate the centenary of Stanmore in July 1950 at the Parish Church of St John in Great Stanmore.
Title number: 15417
LSA ID: LSA/18453
Description: The film shows the amatuer dramatic society producing a 'History of Stanmore in 15 episodes' written by Constance Major. The last two episodes were never filmed however due to bad weather so only 13 episodes appear on two reels, ending with episode 13, the new railway comes to Stanmore in 1890. The films finale is a parade through the streets of Stanmore, by all the groups and people who appear in each episode. It is all B&W silent film except for the last few episodes of modern history which appear in colour.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.