Made in Great Britain: Milestones in the House of Chubb
16mm film Colour Sound 1959 0:00

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Summary: Milestones of Progress in the House of Chubb 1818-1959. Made by the Film Unit at Wolverhampton Wriiten and devised by Leslie Tinkler. A look at Chubbs history made by a Chubb employee for the anniversary in 1959 of the Wednesfield Road Works
Title number: 15334
LSA ID: LSA/18338
Description: Milestones of Progress in the House of Chubb 1818-1959. Made by the Film Unit at Wolverhampton Wriiten and devised by Leslie Tinkler. A look at Chubbs history made by a Chubb employee for the anniversary in 1959 of the Wednesfield Road Works
Credits: Filmmaker: T.L.Tinkler
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.