The Redistributor
16mm film Colour Sound 1963 0:00

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Summary: About Chubb's products which aim to foil the attempts of safe crackers and robbers in the business world.
Title number: 15304
LSA ID: LSA/18308
Description: This film shows the efforts that Chubb has gone to in order to defeat the burglar and thief at his own game and prevent such crimes through security attentiveness. 'Among students, the experts of tomorrow, is a very special student who seeks to redistribute other people's property for his own benefit. Despite his persevering studies, however, the 'Redistributor' is frustrated in his aims by the efforts of the 'University' of heavy security, the Chubb organisation.' Made by the Film Producers Guild, Dir: G Jennison
Credits: Director: G Jennison
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.