Our British Heritage: The City of London
16mm film Black & White Sound 1955 0:00

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Summary: This film is about the City of London and features prominent business people talking about the city and explaining its workings to people. Made by Associated Rediffusion.
Title number: 15223
LSA ID: LSA/18221
Description: Peopled featured include interviews with: Banking expert W. Manning Dacey, Mr Graham about the Baltic Exchange, Mr Eton jobber at the London Stock Exchange, Sir John Braithwaite Chairman of the London Stock Exchange, Mr Keeling of the Port of London Authority, Mr Nease a member of the Community of London Woolbrokers, Mr Pierbald a buyer of Wool, Colonel Young Superintendent of Police and Mr Nichols the Town Clerk. Shots include: Port of London Authority building, workers outside at lunchtime, speakers, the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange, the Baltic Exchange, Lloyds Insurance, Plantation House, the Metal Exchange, the Wool Exchange, auctions, the Guilds and livery companies, the Guildhall, common council meeting, construction sites, new buildings, traffic, commuters, barbican area, new road schemes, parked cars, streets of London, views of London and St Pauls.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details. Related material: COL/AC/31/003/A