T.V. commercials showreel
VHS unknown Unknown 12.1993 36:00

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Summary: This tape features a mix of Tetley Tea adverts and Lyons Tea adverts from differnet countries, featuring the Tetley Tea folk in English and other languages and accents as well as other proponents of Tetley Tea such as Pam Ayers advertising tea on televisi
Title number: 15195
LSA ID: LSA/18193
Description: Countries featured are Britain, Canada, America, France, Poland and Arabic countries. Products mentioned are teabags, round teabags, instant tea, and iced tea. From 15mins to 19mins on the tape is a short feature called 'Welcome to Greenfords' about the Greenfords factory in West London. Following this is more adverts from other countries from companies that presumably come under the Lyons Tetley global banner. There are adverts in English, Spanish and Portugese for Ostlers, Panrico and Donuts. There is also another short feature about Modern Main Products in America which shows the processes of flour based products in the factories and the quality assurance procedures in effect. Following this is a short piece about Lyons Seafood.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.