Ratlines: Nazi War Criminals and Born of One Father: A Prayer for Peace and The Promised Land
VHS unknown Unknown 1991 180:00

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Summary: This video contains two programmes shown on television on the 28th of November 1991: 60mins.
Title number: 15177
LSA ID: LSA/18175
Description: 1. Secret History: Ratlines: Secret History is a series of documentaries shown on Channel 4 which re-examine key historical events. Ratlines: An investigation into the escape of thousands of Nazi war criminals after World War II with the aid of the British, French, Italian and United States Governments and the Vatican. Looks especially at the case of Ante Pavelic a Croation leader during the war who was responsible for the death of 500,000 people, and how he managed to escape the justice of the Nazi War Trials and subsequent hunting down by Nazi War Criminal hunters. (Ratlines were systems of escape routes for Nazi's and other fascists fleeing Europe at the end of World War II.) Producer and Presenter: Christopher Plumley 60mins. 2. a short clip about the French Right Wing candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen visiting London in 1991 and the demonstrations against him. 3. Born of the One Father: A 3 part series which explores the relationship between Christianity and Judaism. A Prayer for Peace, transmitted on Channel 4 on 18/12/1991 is about the protests by Jewish people against the christianisation of the concentration camps in Poland and focuses on whether Jews and Christians have come to term with the Holocaust. 60mins. 4. Born of the One Father: Promised Land, transmitted on 19/12/1991. The last programme in the series asking to whom has the Holy Land been promised? Both programmes made by Gareth Jones and Phillippe Alfonsi for Firefly Productions for Channel 4.
Credits: Producer: Christopher Plumley; Presenter: Christopher Plumley
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.