Master film of Royal Commercial Travellers Schools
16mm film unknown Unknown c.1937 0:00

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Summary: (2 reels joined together) 'A Day in the Life of Pinner Schools', where 350 children of commercial travellers are being educated, maintained and clothed.
Title number: 15149
LSA ID: LSA/18147
Description: Shots include boys and girls in a swimming pool, in classrooms, outside in the garden and on the farm, in assembly and having tuition in various subjects and even in the dormitories at the start and the end of the day. There are girl guides and boy scouts camping out and on parade as well as many children engaged in many activities from gardening to playing musical instruments and taking part in diving and swimming in the pool. The film ends with the Headmaster, Headmistress and Matron on the steps of the school and was a publicity film aimed at funding the school.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.