Moscow doesn't answer
16mm film Colour Sound 1974 10:00

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Summary: A film about the plight of Russian Jews who have been refused exit visas.
Title number: 15134
LSA ID: LSA/18132
Description: From the Stephen Speilberg Jewish Film Archive Catalogue: The desperate situation of Russian scientists not permitted to leave the USSR for Israel is revealed. Shot List: Russian Jews and physicist Professor Vronel; Tel Aviv University; Experiment in physics laboratory; Still of Professor Azbel addressing conference on magnetism in Vronel's apartment, accompanied by tape of Azbel's appeal to outside world; Azbel's son playing in Jerusalem; Stills of Ivgeni Levish, Russian scientist and family; Children playing in Jerusalem; Man on phone.
Credits: Director: Selba Tzukerman; Camerman: Valerie Halpern; Sponsor: World Zionist Organization
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.