Let my people go
16mm film Black & White Sound 1971 0:00

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Summary: Let My People Go:
Title number: 15133
LSA ID: LSA/18131
Description: From the Stephen Speilberg Jewish Film Archive Catalogue: Description 1 Reel (903 ft) b&w 16 mm positive. In Hebrew with English sub titles. The plight of Soviet Jewry trying to emigrate to Israel is exposed. Shot List: People walking in Moscow street; Mr. Zalmanson trying to make phone-call to Riga from Tel Aviv; stills of arrested Jews; Newspaper headlines of Leningrad trials; Jews in the west demonstrating with placards; Stills of demonstrations all over the world; prisoners; Jews demonstrating; Stills of Russian Jews; Jews visiting Romboli cemetery outside Riga; still of Golda Meir in Moscow in 1948; Israel embassy in Moscow; Israeli youth delegation to 1956 Youth Festival in Moscow motorcade; Still of old Jew shaking hands with member of delegation; Soviet Jew explaining how home was bugged and he was sentenced to prison; Khrushchev talking through interpreter of freedom for nationalities and denying existence of national problem; Golda Meir speaking of problem in Israel; Soviet Jew talking about experiences in the Red Army; Moscow synagogue during service; various closed synagogues and graveyards; Girl talking of imprisoned father; Stills of Jews at farewell party for those leaving for Israel; Jews photographed leaving houses; Girl talking of Jewishness in USSR; letters in Russian from Jews to Council of Ministers asking to emigrate; Jew talking of money needed for visa; vGirl speaking and slides of groups of Jews; Man talking of registration; Stills of postcards written in Hebrew; Jews dancing in the forest in USSR on Israeli Independence Day; Meir speaking; Demonstration in London; Soviet Anti-Zionist cartoon; Demonstrations; Zalmanson family phoning Riga; All speaking on phone in turn; Jews outside synagogue. Public Council for Soviet Jewry sponsor. Kastel Films production company. Israel Film Service copyright owner
Credits: producer: Micha Shagrir
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.