Untitled film in Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives and Museum
16mm film Black & White Silent Unknown 0:00

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Summary: Opening frame shows an empty table and chair.
Title number: 1503
LSA ID: LSA/1997
Description: Shot list: A series of scenes in which we see female patients eating dinner in a large crowded dining room; nurses can be seen walking around in the back ground serving food and clearing plates. Shot of a nurse feeding a female patient. Scene of a patient trying to steal another patient's meal; a nurse gives the plate back to its rightful owner. Cuts to a woman sitting in front of a curtain lacing a shoe; then a shot of a man in front of the curtain lacing the shoe; then cuts to a shot of a nurse in front of the curtain lacing the shoe. A series of scenes in which different patients sit in front of the curtain and attempt to lace the shoe; after each attempt there is a close up of the poorly laced shoe. Cuts to what appears to be a patients' day room; there are female patients sitting around; nurses stand in front of a door.