The Bethlem Royal Hospital Founder's Day 1971
16mm film Colour Sound 1971 8:23

Summary: Opening frame: 'Founder's Day'
Title number: 1500
LSA ID: LSA/1994
Description: Shot list: The opening shot is of the Bethlem clock tower; the camera pans down to the main building. A group of clergy/dignitaries/Drs process out of the main entrance of Bethlem towards the chapel. A shot of them congregated in the chapel; cuts to the organist beginning to play and then back to the congregation singing. The memorial service begins. Cuts to an historical map of London showing Bethlem at Bishopsgate. The Narrator begins to give the history of Bethlem Royal Hospital. Cuts to a shot of the Founders day dinner and speeches. Shot of Bethlem's site at the Imperial War Museum; shows the statues of raving and melancholy madness; cuts to shot of a rakes progress; the narrator gives further information about the history of Bethlem. Cuts back to the memorial service and shows them singing another hymn. Cuts to a painting of Sir Charles Hood from 1852; narrator provides a brief outline of his contribution to the history of Bethlem. Shows a painting of a ward and the Narrator talks of reforms within Bethlem; cuts to photographs of wards with an explanation of how teaching was set up in Bethlem. Cuts to a close up of flowers with buildings in the background. Cuts back to the memorial service and the final prayers; the congregation process out to music.
Keywords: Hospital; Bethlem; clock tower; Bishopsgate; Bethlem Royal Hospital; Founder's Day