Women on a Windy Hill
9.5mm film Black & White Silent 1930s 1:21
Summary: Families filmed atop a windy hill
Title number: 1450
LSA ID: LSA/1942
Description: Three 1930's cars are parked in a field near a hill as a man in a long coat walks past and two more men, wearing fedoras and long coats, exit. A long shot then shows three women atop a hill, their dresses and scarfs blowing in the wind. Two women, their heads wrapped in scarves, walk either side of a small girl (wearing a coat and a bow in her hair) up a sandy slope; several men and women are then seen, carrying blankets. One man wraps a blanket around himself like a cape and fools around, pretending to fall backwards in the wind. He then slides down the sand dune. Cut to a woman with a camera on a tripod, kneeling; next to her a man in pale trousers with a dark suit jacket and dark fedora holds his hands up to his mouth as if shouting up the hill. Camera suddenly pans left and upwards and we see the two women and young girl atop the hill, being photographed from below. Various shots of sand dunes, then a man walking across them. He places an explosive device (a firework?) in a hole in one of the dunes; it smokes a great deal.
Keywords: Classic cars; photography; picnic
In galleries: Locations Unknown
Locations: Unknown