The Mayor of Hampstead in the Green Borough
16mm film Black & White Sound 1959 21:13

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Summary: A film about the visit of Hampstead's Mayor to Berlin.
Title number: 138
Description: As part of the goodwill exchanges between Britain and Germany, this film shows the visit of the Mayor of Hampstead, Mr Ashley-Scarlett and the Mayoress to Hampstead's twinned borough of Zehlendorf in Berlin. The British party arrive at Templehof airport, where they are met by the Burgermeister of Zehlendorf. During their visit, he gives the Mayor and Mayoress a guided tour of his borough, with special attention to the particularities of living in a divided city. He explains the wartime division of Berlin into four sectors and the splitting of the city into east and west. They visit a border with the Soviet zone, an autobahn and Check Point Bravo at Steinstucken. They also get to see the protestant church of St Paul, the Rathaus and the borough offices of Zehlendorf, where they attend a meeting of council. Then its on to the Borough's shopping district and a tour of its old villas and country houses. These are contrasted with the new post-war housing estates and the campus of the Free University of Berlin. Germany's cultural heritage is presented through visits to the state museums and the log cabin of Tsar Nicholas 1st. The visiting party travel with the water police on to the Wannsee lake, passing the Ernst Reuter motorboat and people using the bathing beach. The Mayoress attends a ladies lunch arranged by the Burgermeister's wife and both Mayor and Mayoress are guests at a formal reception. The film ends back at Templehof airport, as the British party board a BOAC plane for their flight home.
Keywords: Mayors; Town twinning
Locations: Germany; Berlin state; Berlin; Steglitz-Zehlendorf; Zehlendorf