Childrens Outing/Show, Waldegrave Road, Anerley
Standard 8mm film Colour;Black & White Mute c.1960 10:25
Summary: A film featuring a local school outing and a school play.
Title number: 135
Description: A group of schoolgirls are enjoying a picnic, they are eating sandwiches, and a girl raises a bottle to the camera. A number of the girls are in school uniform with very smart hats!
The group enjoy a number of informal games watched over by a teacher,including a very entertaining relay race,with the girls seated, as the runners sarlom and weave their way through the line of seated girls!
In a colour section of the film a girl performs a gypsy style dance on a stage, followed by a larger dance number featuring a number of school girls in costume. A smaller dance number features six dancers performing a tightly choreographed routine on stage, in which appears to be a Hans Christian Andersen story.
A group of schoolgirls are working up a steep road( Waldegrave Road?) they are smartly dressed, and laugh and smile as they approach the camera.
On the brow of a hill, a young girl runs down, three more children are seen, followed by a group of girls who sit and pose for the camera, generally play acting before they settle down!
An informal relay race is taking place, with the girls seated on the ground,the runners weave in and out of their seated partners trying to negotiate the course!
Schoolgirls are seen walking up and down a large and steep hill in the countryside.
Keywords: Childhood; Cultural activities; school
Locations: United Kingdom;England;London;Bromley;Anerley