Melvin School Sports and All Saints School
Standard 8mm film Black & White Sound c.1947 14:27

Summary: This is a film featuring Melvin Road Council School (officially known by this point as Penge Secondary School for Girls) and All Saints School, Upper Norwood. The film is in three parts starting with a children crossing a road with assistance from a Belisha beacon crossing and a policeman, a scene outside some shops,and a sports day.
Title number: 134
Description: Opening Title: Kodak Safety Film
A policeman helps groups of children cross the road, there are a group of parents and children outside a school and the constable ushers children across. There is a Belisha beacon light, but no zebra crossing.
Outside a different building A policeman is again helping children cross the road by a Belisha beacon, and a Number 49 Bus passes by,and we revert back to the original school where the policeman again helps a number of children cross the road. At one stage the policeman is joined by a colleague who studies proceedings!
Outside a tobacconist shop a school girl and her mother approach the shop which has a large horading to provide shade on a sunny day. There is a large advertisement for Wills' Capstan 'Capstan Cigarettes Are Capital' in the front window, a newspaper headline board also sits outside the shop. Various children walk by the shop and there is a fruit and vegetable shop next door. The children race up to the camera, smile and laugh.
We next see a large procession of female students, of all ages, on a sports field, they are marching along the track. A girl at the front holds up a banner with a large 'M', spectators are on the side of the field watching and there is a large building in the background. The girls are all wearing sashes, perhaps denoting various school houses? They march in a very orderly fashion and we see them proceed around the running track area.
Various track and field events are seen,including a young girl struggling to find her egg after it has fallen off her spoon! A man enters the track and helps her scoop the egg back on her spoon as she races to the finish line! An entertaining event has the pupils having to fully dress in their school uniforms, pop on their hats and race with an open umbrella!
A game features the girls having to pass a ball along a row of girls and then racing to a point on the track, it involves a large number of the girls and officials watch the game.
A relay race features the pupils running with a hoop, and having to pass the hoop over themselves before they reach the finish line, a large number of spectators are ringed around the track enjoying the event.
A procession closes the games as the girls march around the track, we now see a variety of banners, each bearing different initials. As the procession ends a man makes a speech, and is warmly applauded by the pupils.
A pupil accepts a large wooden trophy shield from him, and shakes him warmly by the hand. She is then pictured smiling proudly at the camera holding the trophy on the field.
Credits: cameraman: maybe Cyril Rickert, resident near Ridsdale Road, Penge
Further information: It is thought the film maker may be Mr Cyril Rickert who was local to the Penge area during that time and was know to be a film maker, but this can not be confirmed.
Keywords: Schools; Sports; Culture
Locations: United Kingdom;England;London;Bromley;Penge