King George V Jubilee in Aylesford, London and Bromley, 1935
Standard 8mm film Black & White Sound 1935 26:54

Summary: This film starts with serene scenes of the Kentish village of Aylesford, before showing the happy, excited crowds on the busy streets of London and Bromley (Kent) during the celebrations of King George V's Jubilee on 6 May 1935. The film includes footage of parades, fairs, bands, people wearing costumes, and people riding in decorative vehicles and carriages.
Title number: 129
Description: View of village. Begins with a medium shot of a village stream directly ahead of the camera man, we are panning to the side during this.
0:17: stops panning at 17 seconds about, then after a few seconds move to street scene. Cameraman is looking down an old village road, at a blind corner, there is a shop in front of him with a Union Jack above the shop awnings, and paper flags on a string across the road, a family group coming towards camera.
0:32 we look to the side of this or a similar street, a woman with a white bag moves past, the walls of the house are mostly white with black beams at regular intervals. These also mark out the sides of windows. There is a wooden awning over the front doors.
0:40 Farm scene. Camera is pointed at a field, possibly ploughed or maybe low cut grass, there is a couple of horses walking across the horizon, they are pulling a plough, we see that at 49 seconds.
0:51 the camera turns to a sheep and her ewes. The mother is chewing grass, while the one ewe chews crass and another sits in the sun, there are some other sheep in the upper corner of the screen.
1:00 the camera turns to a sheep's pen, a large group are gathered at the gate, a man at the gate, is pulling a large sack onto his back, that done, he carries it off. In the middle distance other sheep mill round some troughs. The sheep seem to follow him.
1:10 the other sheep in the larger enclosure, and they rush through the open gate. This is a distant shot. There is a man there, hard to make out who opens the gate, the camera follows them and watches as the sheep gather at the troughs.
1:30 camera gives a closer look at the farm worker as he opens his sack, surrounded by sheep.
1:39 the camera focuses on a male sheep with horns as he looks round.
1:50 the camera pulls away to show from behind the farm worker as he opens his sack, releasing food pellets for the troughs, the sheep scurry round to eat.
2:00 camera focuses at some ewes looking at the camera.
2:05 a farm dog enters the picture, going up by the sack and one of the troughs, the dog seems to think that what is in the sack might be for him but the farm worker shoos him off.
2:20 Forest scene. The cameral focuses at a group of small trees in the forest. There are plenty of plants and flowers on the forest floor. And most of the trees seem to be rather bare bushes.
2:27 2nd Village scene. The camera is on a hill looking down a road, to a residential area in the village, the camera is panning again but for a time, a church can be seen in the near distance.
2:35 The camera then focuses on a larger building with a tiny courtyard inside. We are looking down the front entrance to the courtyard, and there are some steps immediately visible, a woman is walking to the courtyard.
2:40 the camera moves to a very bare tree that is in the grounds of the said house, to the side of the courtyard entrance.
2:49 The grounds of a Manor of some sort. The entrance to the manor appears to be below the cameras ground level.
2:55 the camera focuses on a huge bush of flowers waving in the breeze.
3:03 Railway scene. Camera is looking down from a height at rail way tracks. There is a pylon to the side of the screen.
3:10 Train ride. Camera is plainly on a train, moving through a built up city.
3:29 the camera is at a station looking down the line. A train is passing along a line out of sight. Camera gets out of focus during this.
3:40 THE CITY (Black background white letters)
3:45 the camera is looking down the Thames, Tower Bridge is in the medium foreground. A group of barges are moved towards it.
3:50 seconds, the camera looks down at a dockside area, from the other side of the river, immediate focus is a Tug, pulling a barge.
4:00 the camera focuses on a larger craft aground on the Thames at low tide Tower bridge is visible at the far side.
4:07 the camera is between two Brick structures, looking down on the river, A tug glides past. Pulling barges.
4:20 the camera is on the steps of an imposing structure, looking across the road at the side there is another building with Greek columns.
4:27 the camera is looking at the building that it was at, previously, this can be seen as we are now looking at a statue that before, we saw the back of. Period cars drive past.
4:30 seconds we are looking down the main road, cars driving past, a policeman stands on an island, the road is decorated by banners and flags held by ropes stretching across the road
4:37 the camera is looking upwards at the dome of St Pauls. The Camera is at a distance from the building. Camera Pans Downward.
4:45 we are looking down a road, with a statue in the foreground. There are decorations on both sides of the street.
4:44 seconds, the camera looks at a statue of Victoria.
5:00 the camera look from a sharper angle up at the dome of St Pauls.
5:03 the camera looks at St Paul's from a street turning
5:08 the camera look at the columns below St Paul's dome, from a closer vantage point It pans upward.
5:13 we look at St Paul's, from across the river.
5:24 the camera looks at St Paul's and what stands between from another vantage point, behind the masts of a ship
5:31 EAST END (Black background white letters)
5:34 the camera then looks through a fishmongers window, with, on the glass reading Skate, Fillets, Rock, cod.
5:39 we look down an east end street with a turning at the bottom, there are banners across the road. People moving past.
5:48 camera focuses on a wall with writing painted on it; god bless our kids.
5:50 we're back at the street, people are gathering at the turning.
5:55 the camera focuses on a street meal, with tables on the street and children sitting at them, with Union Jack paper hats, Camera is panning to the side
6:03 the camera focuses on a mother and child looking at the camera.
6:05 camera looks one table, with sweets being delivered and children waving at the camera. Camera is panning up, and along the table, some other people wave to camera as this happens, camera pans back and down again.
6:14 we focus on the woman delivering sweets, who along with a group of kids looks at the camera man. Camera pans around at this point and people wave their union jack hats.
6:25 camera focuses on a piano brought out onto the road, the man at it and people milling past, some looking at the Camera.
6:31 camera focuses on another woman, delivering food and sweets. Larger and older than the other woman.
6:36 WEST END (Black background white letters)
Again black background white letters.
6:39 the camera is at an underground railway station looking down the line. A train is pulling in.
6:43 we are on a main road, looking across at a store front. The camera pans upwards to see large pictures of the royal couple, A corporate goodwill message.
6:55 we focus on the pictures, first the King,
7:00 picture of the Queen.
7:14 THE SQUARE (Black background white letters)
7:16 the camera shows one of the fountains at Trafalgar square.
7:23 the camera is at the front of the national portrait gallery looking at the square. We can see that every available post has strings on it holding banners.
7:29 the camera is in the square looking at one of the buildings surrounding it. A Lion statue is in the near foreground.
7:36 WHITEHALL & WESTMINSTER (Black background white letters)
7:40 the Camera is in besides one of the posts held by the mounted coldstream guards as people mill past.
7:45 seconds, we get a close up of the Horse, as people move past, the camera pans back then up, to focus on the Guardsman himself.
7:51 the camera is at a street looking roughly at the buildings near the cenotaph.
8:00 minutes, from another angle, the camera gives a more direct image of the cenotaph. As traffic drives past there is a relatively clear view of a vintage double-decker.
8:06 about the camera focuses on the wreaths at the cenotaph, panning along the side of the monument.
8:11 seconds, focusing on the words; THE GLORIOUS DEAD, panning down to people at the wreaths.
8:20 the camera looks at the face of Big Ben and slowly pans down.
8:29 the camera turns to the houses of Parliament and pans down to the street.
8:35 camera is at the monument near Buckingham to the side of it, a mounted policeman and mans face in near foreground
8:40 Policeman and Guard in Bearskin hat march on their rounds.
8:47 camera focuses on crowd.
8:53 focus on traffic in the area, and mounted policeman motioning to same.
9:00 from inside the gate, looking at the monument.
9:04 from another such point, in a covered area, judging by the shadow, looking down the road.
9:10 from the side of the road, looking down by the cenotaph, camera pans down.
9:16 Piccadilly square, looking at the statue of Eros.
9:22 looking across the road at an imposing structure.
9:25 MR SELFRIDGES JUBILEE ADVERTISMENT (Black background white letters)
9:29 the Camera is on the outside of Selfridges looking up.
9:35 the camera is on the street looking down at a crossing . Camera pans upward.
9:44 looking at the storefront, a sign over the door reading God Save the King. Camera pans upwards.
9:57 looking up at the statue of Britannia then at
9:59 DOWN OXFORD STREET BY BUS (Black background white letters)
10:05 the camera is at some raised level looking down Oxford street.
10:11 the Camera is on ground level and looking across the street.
10:19 seconds, the camera is more in the centre of the street looking down.
10:22 looking down the road at Selfridges, panning down then road, The camera is in a double decker bus.
10:37 we look from the other side of the road at one of the stores.
10:40 we can see the lower edge of the busses window, as we look down Oxford street
10:39 we have a clearer view of the street.
10:52 the bus drives past pedestrians and the camera looks down on them.
11:00 another view, with the lower edge of the window visible.
11:06 from the upper deck, the camera looks at the decorations for the night celebrations placed across the street. Camera pans to the side, and downwards.
11:11 BBC
11:13 looking down the crossing at Bush house, camera pans upwards.
11:23 camera focuses on the top antennae.
11:29 THE LIGHTS OF LONDON (Black background white letters)
11:33 view of a London main road at night.
11:36 similar scene at an angle. Panning along the road
11:42 looking down a city road, daylight a man on point duty.
11:55 FROM WESTMINSTER BRIDGE (Black background white letters)
12:01 looking down the river from said bridge.
12:07 the statue of Bodecia viewed from back and front.
12:19 a flower seller walks past looking at camera. (Camera is now looking across the street)
12:22 Side shot of Flower seller, looking down the bridge as she stops at a bus stop for possible customers.
12:35 flower seller before camera man.
12:36 UNDER DIFFICULTIES (Black background white letters)
12:40 side shot of a man at the side of a road.
12:46 looking down the road at a group of people directly in cameras middle foreground.
12:50 AND BUCKINGHAM PALACE (Black background white letters)
12:59 looking across the road near the stated place Camera pans down and across
13:10 focusing on a street artist with a canvas at work. Side shot. There is then a look from in front at her, some people gather. And from behind, the image on the Canvas isn't clear, but its plain he's painting the street roughly before him. And the most imposing structures there.
13:23 looking from nearby up at a war memorial.
13:31 focus on one of the emblems on the gates of Buckingham palace, the camera man then focuses on the gates together, camera pans upwards.
13:46 the structure before the palace, close up from the side.
13:51 Film in camera seems to be different, or perhaps the lens has been altered to let in more light, however, there is less pure black in this part. And the grey looks a bit yellow. Camera is at one of the entrances to the palace, an open cab is being ridden out, turning aside from the camera
14:02 Looking down at the open area before the gates from a platform, the people in the lower seats in the foreground, and driving past us, the cab with its train, camera follows them as far as it can.
14:12 from in front, and again from a raised vantage point, the cab drives past the crowds and the camera, giving a clear image of the inside of the cab.
14:23 from in front, the royal group appear to have stopped. The King is apparently being offered or offering something.
14:33 camera focuses on the royal couple. Faces blurred but basic outline can be seen.
14:37 from a raised vantage point, the carriage starts off again. This then changes to a raised view from the side, as the carriage drives past a military guard of honour.
14:50 The carriage stops and the children others leave. Faces are reasonably clear even when paused here. The carriage carrying the royal couple stops and they get out.
15:33 from in front, they go up the stairs into a building, trumpeters announce them. Camera then focuses on the King and Queen as they move slowly along.
15:45 camera focuses on cross at top of Abbey
15:48 from the upper balconies inside Westminster Abbey, the scene looks like a painting, the people and the procession at ground level, the arches, the balcony, and shafts of light coming at an angle.
15:58 focus on the royal couple walking into the main area of the abbey, from a slightly raised position.
16:01 camera focuses on the VIP guests.
16:13 looking from the abbey, the royal company get back on the carriages.
16:17 from in front, King George gets on the Carriage.
16:21 we get a close side view of the two of them.
16:27 from slightly behind, the procession moves off again.
16:31 camera focuses on a large group of people cheering.
16:37 from in front, the procession moves roughly towards the camera, then drives past King and Queen plainly acknowledging the people around them.
16:50 view from above, the procession goes through the streets which are packed with people.
17:03 from the side, and from a platform, the royal procession returns to the palace.
17:13 ground level, about, the royal company return, through the entrance they used before.
17:21 from above, the monument outside the palace is ringed with people, suddenly a group of them race to the palace.
17:27 The royal couple stand on the Balcony of Buckingham palace, from slightly below.
17:33 the rest of the royal family appear.
17:38 seconds, below, people mass at the palace gate and fence. Camera returns to the royal couple.
17:48 Flags fly in front of a Church Tower with a clock (St Peter's & St Paul's, Bromley?)
18:00 Soldiers fire cannons from the top of a hill (St Martin's Hill Bromley?)
18:50 The camera (from some distance away) captures crowds of people are gathered in a park like area around a flag. The water tower on Valley Road is visible in the background which shows that the area is Queens Mead (at the bottom of St Martin's Hill).
19:25 A banner across a street reads: Bromley's Great Gala Day
19:30 There are several shots of advertisement boards attached to stationary floats and cars
19:57 Girls dressed in dark skirts, light coloured blouses and little dark shawls sit on top of a decorated truck and surround it, arranging their costumes.
20:06 A man with a horn stands on top a decorated truck labelled 'Foresters'.
20:12 A decorated horse drawn truck with man dressed in white standing next to a horse (as if ready to lead it).
20:20 Two men in uniform lead and a couple of mounted horses lead a parade down Upper Bromley High Street; first group in the parade are the band; the Star and Garter pub (106 High Street) and G. Rendall Shirt Maker (107 High Street) are in the background.
20:31 Close up of band passing by
20:41 The band pass by 'The Valeting Service' (112 High Street).
20:43 View down high Street
20:50 A second band (in kilts) pass Star and Garter
21:01 Close up of man with a squeeze box riding in a horse and cart who looks at the camera.
21:05 Shot of float travelling down High Street
21:12 Band (1?) passing Star and Garter
21:20 Float containing the British Legion Hayes May Queen passes Star and Garter
21:32 Man with rattle stands on a float
21:41 Shot of parade travelling down Beckenham Lane.
21:44 Shot of Mayor and Lady Mayoress in a open top car.
21:52 Procession (shire horse) travels along tree lined road
22:02: Still - all the fun of the fair. Scenes of people in the fair and fairground rides and stalls.
22:37 Label 'All for charity'
22:40 Man in top hat walking back and forth between two nets.
22:57 Swing boats.
23:02 Pay here for coconuts
23:11 Bowling for the pig
23:15 Archway
23:20 Two girls with Jubilee souvenir boxes
23:40 The Keston Beacon - fire and silhouettes of men in front of it.
24:39 Label: Their majesties Ride Through South London.
24:42 People line a street. Procession starts with mounted guards. Shop in background is Wilson's Bakeries.
25:10 King and Queen pass in carriage (Queen nearest to the camera).
25:32 Camera looks down street at the end of the parade
25:39 Label: And so
25:41 Work men with truck and crane at the side of a road lowering a narrow pillar / pole.
25:48 Men fasten pillar to crane hook and crane raises it. The Victoria monument outside Buckingham palace can be seen in the background.
26:09 Label: AND SO UNTIL
26:10 Men with hammers deconstructing a raised platform (sign for Block E next to him)
26:19 Man with hammer deconstructing a raised platform
26:29 Little girl in a dress is holding a union jack flag standing next to a chest of drawers with a clock on top (indoors). She puts her flag into a drawer.
26:41 THE END
Further information: It seems to be a mixture of amateur film and newsreel.
Keywords: royal visits
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Bromley