Jodrell Lab
16mm film Colour Silent 1965 6:27
Summary: A film
Title number: 1271
LSA ID: LSA/1733
Description: The film starts with a sign on the wall saying 'Jodrell Laboratory and Lecture Theatre'. This sign is on the exterior wall of Kew Gardens on the Richmond Road. The camera moves through the foliage of a tree to reveal the landscaped grounds in front of a modern whitewashed concrete and glass building. The building has striking horizontal concrete bands and an external metal spiral staircase. It also has a large sloping roof. There is an Austin Riley Estate car parked at the side of the building. A group of late/middle aged men and women emerge from a brick building. They are all smartly dressed, the men in suits and the women coat, hats, jackets and suits. One elderly man is being pushed across a lawn with wonderful herbaceous borders, in a large wheelchair. The group are now walking into the entrance of Kew Gardens, that is the same entrance as has the sign on it at the beginning of the film. The group all looked relaxed and are talking with each other. One of the men in the group is in uniform. He has strips of medals on his left chest and s red and gold chevron shaped armband on his right arm. The group enter the modern building - the Jodrell Laboratory and Lecture Theatre. In the background we can see an impressive red brick building and a low long green house.
A man in a suit and thick horn rimmed glasses is addressing the audience. We see men behind him who are the speakers. He is probably introducing them. There is a large audience of mainly middle aged class people. Many of the women have hats and gloves on. Everyone looks very well turned out. The lecture theatre is large and impressive with enormous glass panels forming the sides to the auditorium. The speaker, Lord Florey is now addressing the audience. He finishes to applause. We then see him unveiling a wall plaque.
'This building was opened by Lord Florey, President of the Royal Society on May 7th 1965. It replaces a building given by Mr T.J Phillips Jodrell 1876'. We see Lord Florey and another man, signing their names in a book, by a large pot of geraniums. They and some of the audience then seem to be looking at a small exhibition. A man in a white coat is operating some small piece of fine machinery and a woman in a lab coat, by a miscroscope, is transferring something into a petri dish. A wall of filing boxes and a woman in a white coat, going through the some filing cards inside of them. A young woman in a lab is placing test tubes into some centrifugal(?) machine. She is getting the test tubes from a grey plastic storage box on the counter. She then is seen at a control box, with dials and buttons on it, which she sets and turns on. We then see her in front of what looks like a large industrial sized oven/kiln. She is placing glass containers into it and shuts the double doors to it. We see across the lab from an elevated position and see technicians working on benches looking down microscopes and making notes etc. We are now in a lecture theatre where a man in lab coat, standing in front of a blackboard with information on it, is lecturing to what appears to be a small cohort of young men. They are taking notes. We then seem to be in another laboratory/workshop/classroom , where a group of young men are engaged in a task with a teacher present, who is moving between them and offering them help. There appears to be a vase with leaves in it on the work bench. This may be a specimen they are studying rather than ornamentation. We see the Jodrell building from across a pond with lilies on it and then from a different angle across some flower beds.
Keywords: Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew; Jodrell Lab; plant physiology; plant anatomy; research building
Locations: London., Kew, Richmond