On the Waterfront (Chronicle series)
16mm film Colour Sound 07.02.1984 0:00

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Summary: Film about the progress of the archaeological dig, begun in January 1982, at the now closed Billingsgate fish market. A record of what was achieved at Billingsgate from Jan 1982 until Oct 1983 by Museum of London's Dept of Urban Archaeology working against time to rescue historical evidence before foundations of an office block destroyed site forever.
Title number: 1220
LSA ID: LSA/1679
Description: Film about the progress of the archaeological dig, begun in January 1982, at the now closed Billingsgate fish market. A record of what was achieved at Billingsgate from Jan 1982 until Oct 1983 by Museum of London's Dept of Urban Archaeology working against time to rescue historical evidence before foundations of an office block destroyed site forever.
Credits: Producer: Antonia Benedek