Ville de Sceaux
16mm film Black & White Sound 1954 11:17

Summary: A film about the Parisian suburb of Sceaux which was twinned with the Metropolitan Borough of Camberwell.
Title number: 1146
LSA ID: LSA/1587
Description: Film of a visit by the South London Film Society to Sceaux, which was newly twinned with the London Borough of Camberwell. The film was intended to give people from Camberwell planning a visit to their twinned town a taste of the place. The film visits the Lycee Marie Curie, the town museum (the Musee de L'Ile de France at the Chateau de Sceaux), the park of the Chateau, the house and graves of Marie and Pierre Curie, the Town Hall. The town Mayor sends them on a trip to view the council's building programme for new flats and houses. The film also captures incidental details like local road signs, the poor state of pavement maintenance (and the council's restorative action), shop fronts, advertisements, the Metro station, buses and the street market. They record a popular open air dance restaurant, which attracts people out from central Paris. They also travel themselves into central Paris to see the Eiffel Tower and L'Arc de Triomphe.
Credits: Director: Michael Essex-Lopresti; Commentary: Alex Slatter; Music Composed and played by: Albert Zane; Music Composed and played by: Olga Maw; Devised by: Peter J. Shinkfield
Keywords: Holidays; Town twinning
Locations: France; Ile-de-France; Hauts-de-Seine department; Sceaux