Southwark Strategy for Thameside
16mm film Black & White Sound c.1972 16:30

Summary: A film about the 'Southwark Strategy for Thameside'.
Title number: 1145
LSA ID: LSA/1586
Description: A response to a Southwark council document about their desired developments in the area of the Borough near the river. Southwark council's strategy plan for development in the Borough includes plans to get rid of warehouses and build new offices, restaurants and to open up the riverside. Grass roots activists raise their fears about increasing rents, shortage of affordable and social housing, and the changing character of area with office workers moving in and the interests of the City overriding everything else. Fears are also expressed that Borough Market might be forced to close. The film includes footage shot around the area on Clink Street, along Southwark riverside, at Borough Market, by Southwark Cathedral, and around abandoned and part demolished warehouses close to Hays Wharf and Hibernia Wharf. After the edited documentary, there is a sequence of unedited footage of the area around the wharves.
Keywords: Houses; Markets; Urban planning
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Southwark