The Living City
16mm film Colour Sound 1970 27:58

Summary: A documentary telling the story of the City of London.
Title number: 1095
LSA ID: LSA/18438
Description: The fire bombing of the City of London during the blitz of the Second World War acts as a preface to this record of the Corporation of London's post war redevelopment. The film is keen to stress the importance of people to the City, remarking that it is its citizens that bring essential vigour and vitality to the area. The needs of people are reflected in the new developments from the piazza of Paternoster, through the Golden Lane Housing Estate to the buildings of Barbican with its pedestrian walkways across the 70-acre site, and a residential development soon to be accompanied by a new arts complex. The City of London Girls School, the City of London Boys School, the City University students and St Bartholomew's Hospital serve the education and health of the citizens. The film also stresses the financial contribution to the nation of the 'invisible' work of the City, repeating twice that the country would have failed without it. The Lord Mayor's Day show of 1966 made a novel concentration on the City's financial support of the Kingdom, and the film speaks of the double role of the Lord Mayor, who is both a symbol and a force of economics. The machine of modern business, pumps the heart of the living city. Many of the City's financial establishments feature from the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and Lloyds of London to the fur salesrooms at Beaver House, London Headquarters of the Hudson's Bay Company and the ivory and carpet warehouse of the Port of London Authority at Cutler Street. The City's control of important infrastructure and trading centres is shown through the Bridge House Estates and its ownership of Billingsgate, Smithfield and Spitalfields Markets. Along the way the documentary includes film of Roman ruins, the Monument, St Paul's Cathedral, the Holborn Viaduct, Blackfriars Bridge and underpass, London Bridge, the Tower Place development, the Mermaid Theatre, the newspaper offices of Fleet Street, new offices on Fetter Lane and Aldgate. Postman's Park and Finsbury Square.
Credits: Director: Hugo de Burgh Galwey; Producer: Hugo de Burgh Galwey; Producer: Elisabeth de Burgh Galwey; Narration: Barry Lankester; Sponsor: Corporation of London
Further information: To watch The Living City with subtitles, please visit London's Metropolitan Archive's YouTube channel.
Keywords: Urban planning; Finance
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; City of London