Growing Up
16mm film Colour Sound 1943 16:30

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Summary: Film from various children's homes focusing on the lives of the children at different ages.
Title number: 10775
LSA ID: LSA/13685
Description: Farm Hill; old Barnardo girl returns to home where she once lived to train as a nursery nurse; mixes babies feed; fills bottles. Adsdean; nurse baths, weighs and feeds baby; row of nurses feed babies; babies on blankets on the lawn. Farm hill; older children on cart pulled by nurses; nursery school activities; upstairs to bed; saying prayers; into bed. Barcombe Place (RESG); physical exercises; sewing; knitting; school parade; girls in classroom sitting at their desks; mealtime; Guides. Fostering (FOS); welfare officer visits a foster home, weighs children, inspects teeth and throats; measures height. Chawton (RESG); group of older girls sit by fireside; girls leaving church.