Dr Barnardo's Hospital Homes
16mm film Colour Sound 1952 16:15

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Summary: Film from Roberts Memorial home showing children with disabilities during craft and various therapeutic activities. Includes scenes of a visit by Princess Margaret.
Title number: 10772
LSA ID: LSA/13682
Description: Roberts Memorial Home (PHY); boy without hands (all other children have no obvious disability). Nurse with children; mealtime. Hollins / Ian Tetley (PHY); basket making; sewing machine; rug making; art lesson; painting; physiotherapy; matron helping girl to walk; walking frame; classroom; boys on walking aids in the padding pool. Bruce Porter (PHY); percussion band; children in beds and wheelchairs; installation of a lift; visit by Princess Margaret; various shots in a ward showing different disabilities; hydrocephalic cases; scouts; weighing a child; electro hydrotherapy.