Towards Happiness
16mm film Colour Sound 1958 23:05

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Summary: Film showing activities from five children's homes, introduced by TV presenter, Neil Whiting. The scenes mostly consist of children at leisure and play but the film of Tetley School includes shots of wheelchairs, walking aids and a boy on crutches.
Title number: 10764
LSA ID: LSA/13674
Description: Introduced by Nevil Whiting TV presenter. Montague House (EOD); children taken on an outing by local volunteers; playing in the woods; having a picnic; close ups; Spring Hill School (SPEC); children walk to school; country dancing; art; school activities; morning milk; basketwork; story time. Morley Manor (RESN); staff and children on the lawn; collecting bluebells; close ups; birthday party. Howard House (RESM); children playing in the garden; Cubs with a tent; hobbies; dressing up; children run into the house. Ian Tetley School (PHY); children leave house for school; wheelchairs; walking aids; morning assembly; visit local shop; football; paddling pool; boy on crutches returns home from school.