Druids Heath School (APDS)
16mm film Black & White Sound 1940 15:15

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Summary: Film of boys' daily lives from the first approved Barnardo's children's school.
Title number: 10701
LSA ID: LSA/13611
Description: Aldridge, Walsall; first approved school run by Barnardo's. Dormitory; boys get out of bed; wash under the shower; scrub toes; clean teeth; make beds; physical exercises; mid-morning break for milk; 'digging for victory' in the vegetable garden; staff in kitchen; cutting bread; cooking; assembling for dinner on parade ground; marching into the refectory; saying grace; mealtime; collect gas masks; march to air raid shelter; enter shelter; polishing floor; school room; teacher at the blackboard; tending the lawn; sawing logs; shovelling coal; staff in sewing room darning socks etc.; carpentry; sport; cricket; blindfolded boxing; tug of war.
After Being Transferred From The Notorious Bryn Alyn Community In Wales .
It Was Like Going From Hell To Heaven ..Even Tho ,It Was Not Until Many Years Later ,That I Realized The Questions I Was Asked .When Arriving At Driuds Heath . Made Me Think That The Staff Knew What Was Going On In Wales 🙁