Beyond the Cheviots (Scotland) (Evacuation)
16mm film Black & White Sound 1942 15:00

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Summary: Film showing children engaged in daily activities in Scottish Barnardo's children's homes.
Title number: 10697
LSA ID: LSA/13607
Description: Black and white version of film 18 [Bernardo's in Scotland] but with added material from Stapleton Towers Dumfries. Boys with pets; tending the garden; mealtime al fresco. Springkell Dumfries; staff and children in the garden; playing follow my leader; pan along line of children; time for milk. Winton Drive Glasgow; boy sailor's hostel; packing kitbags and leaving to join their ships. Blairhill Kinross; children in the grounds; in the hayfield; riding the local minister's horse; swing; trainees highland dancing.