Boarded Out in the Cottage Homes of England (FOS)
16mm film negative Black & White Sound 1939 19:50

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Summary: Film of boys boarded out to cottage homes being met by foster mothers and then settling into rural life.
Title number: 10691
LSA ID: LSA/13601
Description: Steam train arrives at rural station; boys alight by themselves and are met by foster mother who takes them to their new home. They sit down to tea (mealtime); playing with friends on the village green and paddling in the village pond. Caption reads that Barnardo's are helping to repopulate the rural areas. The Village School; classroom; children at their desks; blackboard; physical exercises; foster parents play with children exterior and interior; sawing and chopping wood; boys pick blackberries; girls play with dolls; welfare officer visits foster home; measures, weighs and examines teeth and throats; visits sick child. Ends with short sequence from Goldings.