Babes in Wonderland (RESN)
16mm film negative Black & White Sound c. 1937 17:10

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Summary: Film of infants performing various domestic activities at Babies Castle Hawkhurst.
Title number: 10689
LSA ID: LSA/13599
Description: Babies Castle Hawkhurst; pan of building; matron and children enter building; nurses and children in garden and playground; nurse sterilising feeding bottles; measuring out milk; row of nurses feeding babies; nursery school activities; physical exercises; kitchen; preparing food; slicing bread; mealtime; eating from chipped enamel bowls; laundry; hanging out clothes; line of prams; visitors take children on an outing to nearby woods; 1930s cars; walk through woods; bathtime; toddlers brushing hair; folding clothes; babies put into their cots; similar material to that used in film no. 9.