Tomorrows Citizens (RESB)
16mm film negative Black & White Sound c. 1937 17:10

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Summary: Film showing the daily activities of boys in children's home Corris House Much Wenlock.
Title number: 10688
LSA ID: LSA/13598
Description: Corris House Much Wenlock; boys in play area; marching from home to school in town and back; milk parade after school; boys with mugs of milk; 'house boys' feed the chickens and collect bread from bakers van; food served from large metal bowl; saying grace; mealtime; boxing; rehearsing for a display; scouts camp; first aid practice; cooking on a camp fire; sing song (silent film); cleaning shoes; shoe inspection; washing at row of sinks; bathtime; washing hair; pan across three baths; cleaning teeth; pan across beds in the dormitory; boys asleep.