The Village Home: Reel 3 (TVH)
16mm film Black & White Sound 1953-1956 19:20

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Summary: Third film of three showing life at Bernardo's Village Home.
Title number: 10671
LSA ID: LSA/13581
Description: Australian emigration party farewell tea; Tommy Trinder with emigration party; party on board ship at Tilbury. Scotch House; disabled old Barnardo girls; sewing; rugmaking; the village laundry; ironing; clothing stores; food stores; van delivering groceries to the cottages. Mossford Lodge Hostel for staff; interior with residents and on the lawn. Australasian Hospital; nurses in training; nurses annual prizegiving; Dr Bloom performing a surgical operation; Dr Bywaters is anaesthetist; patients in ward; outdoor chalets for TB patients; isolation block patients; massage department; physiotherapy; electro hydrotherapy; children's church; staff and children walk to church on a Sunday morning.