Dr Barnardo's Homes in Wales
16mm film Black & White Sound 1951 16:05

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Summary: Film of children engaged in various activities at Barnardo's children's homes in Wales.
Title number: 10657
LSA ID: LSA/13567
Description: Views of Cardiff city centre. 254 Cowbridge Road Cardiff (EOD); new admission; mealtime; staff and children in garden; slide; bathtime. Glandare Aberdare (RESB); boys walking through local woods; cricket; climbing trees; collecting wood; lowering the Glandare flag. Roden Villa (RESG); girls leaving house for the beach; walking along the promenade; playing ball on the beach. Arnhall Llandudno (RESG); embroidery; costume making; tending the garden; Red Cross cadets; practising first aid; tennis; reading; jigsaw puzzle; around piano.