Dr Barnardo's Homes in Kent
16mm film Black & White Sound 1951 16:00

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Summary: Film showing the life of children in various Barnardo's homes in Kent.
Title number: 10654
LSA ID: LSA/13564
Description: Babies Castle (RESN); nurse and toddlers in play area; nursery school activities; nurse bathing a baby; babies in cots and prams; Farley Croft (RESN); nurses and toddlers walk downthe drive; sandpit; afternoon rest in the garden. Charlton Park (RESM); mealtime; playroom; sandpit; swings; wheelbarrow race; matron handing out sweets. Kenward Yalding (RESM); games in the garden; playing in the hayfield; paddling pool; picking flowers and fruit. St Christopher's (RESN); trainees under tuition; bathing a baby; making up a feed; in the nursery. Bruce Porter (PHY); general shot in a ward. Meadows School (SPEC); in the classroom; physical exercises; bicylces. Dromore (RESG); mealtime; playing the piano. Llanfair (RESG); playing in the garden; skipping.