A Colourful Medley
16mm film Black & White Sound 1946 17:15

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Summary: Film from a number of children's homes, mostly of open days and visits, including a service at St Paul's Cathedral to commemorate Dr Barnardo's birth.
Title number: 10649
LSA ID: LSA/13559
Description: St Paul's Cathedral, 04.07.1945 service to commemorate 100th anniversary of Dr Barnardo's birth. Mrs Clement Churchill and French Ambassador's wife visit BGC to present cheque to Barnardo's. Farm Hill; gift of a doll's house; Bishop of Chelmsford attends open day. Ashley Combe (RESM); playing in the grounds; nursery school activities; on the beach; eating ice cream. Kenward Yalding (RESM); young children rehearsing for open day. Barcombe Place; Mrs Waterson of South Africa pays a visit. Czech war orphans send toys to Britain. They arrive by plane at Northolt airport.