Heston and Isleworth Charter Celebrations, 3rd October 1932
35mm nitrate film Black & White Sound 03.10.1932 15:07

Summary: Film showing the presentation by the Duke of Gloucester (Prince Henry) of a royal charter making Heston and Isleworth a Municipal Borough and the subsequent parade down the high street, blessing, and luncheon.
Title number: 419
Description: [00:00] To a soundtrack of bells ringing and crowd noises, the screen reads: Presentation Municipal Charter of Incorporation by H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester K.G., G.C.V.O. to H.J. Nias, Esq. M.B.E., Charter Mayor. Followed by: Produced by John Harrison for Heston and Isleworth Borough Records - Fidelutone Recording.
[00:41] A crowd is gathered on the Great West Road in front of the Firestone Tyres building, awaiting the Duke of Gloucester (Prince Henry) to arrive for the charter presentation. A military unit, rifles on shoulders, marches passed them down the street. Crowd noises are heard as if in the background. [01:07] The duke's car drives down the road from the opposite direction, passing the military unit, now standing to attention, and stops in front of a striped marquee. The extent of the large crowd can be seen. As this scene plays out, the sound fades to a hum with only the occasional voice heard (the military band is also vaguely heard now and then).
[01:31] The film cuts to a close-up of the duke shaking hands with a man in a judge's wig. The charter mayor, H.J. Nias, and a man in ceremonial military dress stand with the duke waiting for the car to leave. [01:45] This scene is then seen again as filmed from across the road: the duke alights from the car, the man in ceremonial dress salutes him and shakes his hand, Nias bows and shakes his hand, the man in the wig bows and shakes his hand. They stand around. A policeman helps someone into the car, and it drives off. An airplane flying overhead can clearly be heard as it does so.
[02:31] The military band, standing opposite the marquee, strikes up the national anthem. The duke and the man in ceremonial dress salute during the anthem. The duke then inspects the military unit. The band plays as he does so. He also inspects men of the British Legion gathered in lines behind the military unit. The veterans are in civilian dress, but wearing their medals. [03:40] The two inspections are shown again, filmed from the other side of the street.
[06:00] The film cuts to a close-up of the duke at the microphone giving his speech. He says he has 'a personal link with the district having served with my regiment at Hounslow'. He hands the charter to Nias, who bows as he accepts it. In his speech, Nias expresses gratitude to the King for the charter of incorporation. He presents the duke with a 17th-century sword manufactured in Hounslow. [07:25] Part of this scene is then seen again as filmed from across the road with the press photographers gathered in front of the marquee (no sound).
[07:52] The crowd cheers and waves as the duke, charter mayor, and chart mayor's mace bearer get into a car. They drive off to cheers.
[08:18] The military unit marches into town in front of a long line of cars, the duke's at the front. The parade is filmed from various vantage points. A voice-over explains that the Reverend P.W. Shepherd-Smith hosted a reception for the duke where the charter town clerk, S.J. Baker, read an extract of the charter. [08:45] The band plays''For He Is a Jolly Good Fellow'. The people closest to the camera can be heard. As the duke's car goes by the camera, a child says, 'There he is, look!' and another one says, 'There's the duke and duchess' (actually the duke and the mayor).
[09:15] The parade continues down the high street and turns the corner. A policeman paces at the corner. The sound has faded to background noise.
[10:20] As the duke's car turns the corner, the camera pans to follow it, showing policemen on horses and the waiting crowd, who cheer.
[11:16] The dignitaries are shown at a platform at Lantern Park, without the duke. The voiceover explains that the Lord Bishop of Kensington blessed the charter. The camera pans the crowd as they sing a hymn. The British Legion marches away from the platform (no sound).
[12:00] Cars pull up to the Osterley Hotel. Lades in fashionable clothes and men in morning dress alight from them for the civic luncheon. The man in the ceremonial dress gets out of a car. Someone off camera is heard saying, 'Would you kindly park this way, please?'
[13:16] While the guests are seen being served lunch inside, the voiceover informs us that due to prior engagements, the duke could not attend the luncheon, but 400 other guests did. The seat of honour was occupied by the charter mayor.
[13:34] The dignitaries are then presented to the camera, outside. The voiceover says: 'The commentator has the pleasure of introducing to you through the medium of the sound film: Councillor H.J. Nias, M.B.E., J.P., Charter Mayor, accompanied by his worship the Mayor of Ealing and his worship the Mayor of Twickenham and the Charter Mayor's Mace-bearer'.
[14:16] The film ends with the new borough's crest while the national anthem is played.
Credits: producer: John Harrison
Cast: Prince Henry Duke of Gloucester; H.J. Nias
Further information: When the BFI transferred the nitrate film, they provided the following notes: 'The film print has a mixture of two different sound systems: a variable area soundtrack and a variable density section. The quality of the latter system is usually poorer, just capturing ambient sound, whereas the title section and the speeches were properly recorded and mixed. This type of film seems to be one-off copies of newsreel stories presented to cinemas or councils with extra footage that would not have been in the official newsreel release. This would explain why the film is not fully polished.'
Keywords: Boroughs; charter; parade; military parade; heston