Egypt Exploration Society
The largest UK crowd-funding organisation supporting fieldwork, training, and research in Egyptology.

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The EES was founded in 1882 by the writer and traveller Amelia Edwards to explore and document ancient Egyptian sites and monuments, and to create a lasting record of the remains as a means of preserving them. This work, begun by Amelia, Flinders Petrie, Howard Carter and many other great archaeologists, continues to this day. In the last 130 years the EES has explored hundreds of sites in Egypt, uncovering temples, tombs and entire towns and cities. Part of our mission is to generate enthusiasm for Egypt's past and to raise awareness of the importance of protecting its sites and monuments. We are captivated by the stories of the great pharaohs and their people and want to share what our experts have learned about how they lived with as wide an audience as possible.
3 Doughty Mews
London WC1N 2PG
Email: contact@ees.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0)20 7242 1880
Access: The Society's library is open from Monday to Friday from 10.30 am until 4.30 pm. Members are automatically granted access to the library; non-members may consult the collection on a one-off basis on request. Researchers wishing to consult material in the archives should contact the Society to make an appointment
Selection of material is undertaken by the Office Manager, with input from the rest of the London staff.