Harrow School Archive
The collection consists of a wide variety of school activities, such as Archery and Swimming, as well as pupil filmed sketches, cricket tours, plays and pantomimes, visits of eminent and royal personages.

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Founded by John Lyon in 1592, Harrow School has progressed from a free Grammar School for local boys to a fee-paying and famous public school. It survived the threat and loss of pupils during the first and second world wars, and modernized itself without shedding the trappings of custom. The Archive's principal collections reflect the organization and development of the school.
The Bursary
5 High Street
Harrow on the Hill
Email: archives@harrowschool.org.uk
Phone: 0208 8728370
Access: The Harrow School Archive is open to bona fide researchers and by appointment only. Accommodation is limited and there are no viewing facilities for our moving image collection.
We are keen to accept moving image material relevant only to Harrow School, whether film, video, CD, DVD or tape.